Tayside Tablet

Enjoyed by Highlanders roaming the hills, bairns bouncing around the home or revellers celebrating a special occasion, Tablet is an essential treat in the Scottish psyche and one we bring to New Zealand with pride.
— Chris - Owner

Tayside Tablet is a sweet treat from Scotland, where elements of caramel and cream combine into a bonnie bite to savour. A distant cousin of fudge, but grainier and more brittle in texture, it provides an insatiable mouthfeel and a hit of sweetness that you won't forget!

Owned and operated by husband and wife team Chris and Janne, Tayside Table are taking the town by storm with their unique product.

“Tayside is an area of Scotland that is very special to us. From the base of the Highlands to the bridges of Dundee, the River Tay and its many tributaries flow through this area and the cities and villages that make it magical, like Aberfeldy, Kenmore, Perth and more.” - Chris

Similar to other sweets from around the world like Sucre a la Creme from Canada, Swiss Milk Tablet from the Alps and Dulce de Leche en tabla from Latin America. And, not to mention Russian Fudge, something Kiwi's might associate with as well, though Tayside Tablet is its own thing entirely! - You really have to try it to know what we mean!

A great sweet treat to enjoy on its own as a snack, after dinner or with coffee. Or grab a dram of whisky and do it right! If you’ve tried this at an event and are looking to get your hands on some more, Tayside Tablet is available most Sundays at Market Central!


Sacred Grounds


5 Mile Distilling